Bears Make the Best Writing Buddies by Carmen Oliver

Bears Make the Best Writing Buddies

by Carmen Oliver

Adelaide loves writing. Bear loves writing. But Theo does NOT love writing. Thankfully, Adelaide and Bear are ready to team up and persuade the entire class, including Mrs Fitz-Pea, that Bears make the best writing buddies. After all, who better to teach you how to fish and forage for new ideas than a bear? This third picture book in Carmen Oliver's Bears Make the Best... series is sure to encourage even the most reluctant writer to write a story.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Bears Make the Best Writing Buddies is the 3rd book in a series for young readers by Carmen Oliver. Due out 1st Jan 2020 from Capstone, it's 32 pages and will be available in hardcover format.

This is a beautifully written, engaging book with age appropriate writing prompts for young readers. The art, by Jean Claude, is whimsically appealing and invites readers to take a closer look. It's a silly and fun book, with a sweater-clad bear helping with a young friend's writer's block. The message is upbeat and positive and encouraging. The kids in the classroom are varied and representative with different ethnicities and abilities. They work together to encourage one another and solve their writing assignment.

This would be a fine selection for a classroom or library, as well as a good gift to introduce a youngster to journaling and writing for fun.

Five stars. There aren't that many books aimed at young kids which encourage writing on a personal level as a valuable activity which can be enjoyable and fun. This is a good one.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 10 December, 2019: Reviewed