Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

Cute, but predictable, contemporary romance. I liked Harper and really felt that she had a good story. I wish there was more information given about her back story though. You know she slapped her husband for cheating, but I would have like to know more about her life and how she got to that point. You get some info about her family and how she was raised, but its really no more than a paragraph or 2. I thought the revenge angle was great. Dodge wants revenge and he sees spies everywhere. He doesn't trust anyone and you see how bitter it has made him. The end is a sweet, HEA that was pretty saccharine. I don't necessarily mind that, but it didn't really seem to fit with the characters. Nothing about them had been super sweet. I wish their relationship had been a bit sweeter; it really seemed to be all about sex. They had 1 date; the rest was just sex. So, to have a super sappy ending just felt odd for Dodge and Harper.
Avery Flynn obviously sets this up for more books, each focusing on a different brother (Stone and Griff). Overall, its a pretty good read and its fairly short so you can finish it quickly. I will probably pick up the next books in the series because I am curious to know more about the other brothers.

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  • 3 September, 2015: Finished reading
  • 3 September, 2015: Reviewed