Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

Heat: 2.5
POV: 1st (Sophie)
Trope: Bad Boy/Good Girl
So, this is an interesting book for me to rate. As I am reading it, I was like "Oh hell no! This guy is an asshat. Why the hell is she so obsessed with him? Why does she put up with his shit?". Yet I kept reading. And then the crazy ex stuff starts and again I'm like "WTF!? Girl you need to leave NOW!". And then, near the end he does something that made me want to throw my kindle. And I love my kindle. And yet, I kept reading. I finished this book in 1 sitting because I couldn't stop. I was annoyed with Sophie, and I hated 'Rooter' and his stupid ass name, but I devoured this book. This is like a soap opera there is so much drama, angst, danger, skanky exes, and psychos. So, even with me not really liking Sophie and Rooter, this book was too engaging to put down. Now do you see why I have a hard time rating it? If I was rating it on plot alone, it would be a 5 star. But, if I were rating the characters, it would be a 2 star. But, I kept reading so that tells you how sucked in to this story I was! Will I read the next one? I am torn. Its from Rooter's POV and I am not sure I want to be in that asshat's head. But, I will probably not be able to stop myself. This book is like crack. Or really good European chocolate. You know you shouldn't indulge but you will anyway!

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  • Started reading
  • 29 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 29 October, 2015: Reviewed