Reviewed by mitabird on

2 of 5 stars

Sara and Cam are shifters. They can shift into any animal form and change human shapes as well. Josh is a human who is doing research to learn more about the shifter community. Along the way, the three of them fall in love and build a relationship. Sara gets kidnapped and is held hostage for experimentation for two years. After Cam and Josh find her, the rest of the story is about the rebuilding of their relationship.

Unfortunately, Trinity Broken was not as good as I was expecting. It has many of the premises that I enjoy in a book: paranormal, suspense, m/f, m/m, and m/m/f. However, the story fell short in many ways. There was no real sense of urgency to stay a step ahead of the people who were supposedly after them. When I found out who the bad guys were, I didn't care. This wasn't the main focus of the story and I could tell. It seemed almost an afterthought to create drama, but it didn't work. As far as the relationship, they told each other often how much they love each other, but I wasn't convinced. They were just words and didn't have the emotion to back it up. This is not a book I would recommend. 2.5 stars

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  • Started reading
  • 27 March, 2009: Finished reading
  • 27 March, 2009: Reviewed