Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

I read and reviewed this book on my blog last year. I have no reason why I didn't enter this on my books here at goodreads. Sorry Tristi!

Every once in awhile a book comes along that you sit down to read and finish in a few hours. When I read the book "Secret Sisters" by Tristi Pinkston , that is exactly what I did. Here are a few reason's why:

1.The book is only 276 pages long.

2.This book is printed in the cutest format, similar to the "Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events" books. That is the only comparison between the two books.

3.The book is funny. You get enjoying yourself so much, that you lose track of time.

4. Tristi has written such colorful and engaging characters, you want to know more about them.

Read more of my review of this book at my blog:

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  • 21 February, 2011: Reviewed