The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby

by F Scott Fitzgerald

When The Great Gatsby was first published in 1925, it did not appear exactly as Fitzgerald had intended. This is the fully authorized text with notes by Fitzgerald biographer, Matthew J. Bruccoli.

Reviewed by jeannamichel on

4 of 5 stars

Another book for school. I loved this one- it was beautiful.
The beginning put me to sleep, but it was one of those books that you just have to have time to get into before actually loving it. I really felt myself connecting with Nick, the main character. I wanted to know more about him. Mr. Gatsby was very unique and original. Daisy- her character had no depth. The imagery in most of the book was purely amazing. If you ever have any time- go watch the movie. It was truly fantastic.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 October, 2009: Finished reading
  • 16 October, 2009: Reviewed