Ur by Stephen King


by Stephen King

An Unabridged Novella Unavailable In Any Collection!

Tapping into our primal fears of modern technology that made Cell a #1 bestseller, Stephen King sets his sights on the latest high-tech gadget in UR, in which a mysterious e-book reader opens a disturbing window into other worlds.

Reeling from a painful break-up, English instructor and avid book lover Wesley Smith is haunted by his ex-girlfriend's parting shot: Why can't you just read off the computer like everyone else? He buys an e-book reader out of spite, but soon finds he can use the device to glimpse realities he had never before imagined, discovering literary riches beyond his wildest dreams...and all-too-human tragedies that surpass his most terrible nightmares.

From vintage cars (Christine and From a Buick 8) to household appliances (Maximum Overdrive) to exercise equipment (Stationary Bike), Stephen King has mesmerized us with tales of apparently ordinary machines that take on lives of their own. UR gives this classic theme an up-to-the-minute spin, resulting in a horror masterpiece for our time and for the ages.

Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

4 of 5 stars

Even though this was a novella it took a little bit of time to get into and my head around the concept! I was like Wesley wondering what the hell had we stumbled upon! It was such a mind-boggling theory and near the end a terrifying one too!

After a parting shot from Wesley’s ex-girlfriend Ellen he decides to become like us and buy a Kindle which leads to some crazy events, and to be fair it would not be a book by the King himself if it was not a little out there. The Kindle is pink, not white and has a system called UR. Ok, so not even a little suspicious yet?

Alternate realities and scary insights into the future lead Wesley trying to change the events of the future, while we are made to think about what would happen if change the future. What ripples in the timeline that is set out would it cause? I watch The Flash and when he messes with the timeline it is to some devasting effects. Would it be the same here?

One thing I did love about this book the most is the nod, the subtle (not so subtle) nod to the Dark Tower series, it made me smile and made me want to pick up the series again although the last line in the last book makes me want to scream!

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  • Started reading
  • 31 December, 2018: Finished reading
  • 31 December, 2018: Reviewed