Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars


I was sitting in carpool while reading this book and I felt the need to share the hotness with my beloved pal, JJ, of The Book Bosses.  So, I screen capped the sexy times I was reading at the moment.  I'm pretty sure a substantial hot flash occurred. You can see her response above, which cracked me up and solidified my belief that Joya Ryan is an author to watch.  She has officially made it onto my auto buy list and I'm also going to look into her back list.

I am ALL ABOUT this book, characters and series.  I want the other books NOW.  Yes, lots of caps there.  I'm that excited about it.  I'm excited about Ryder, Huck and Sebastian's stories and I want to know how Colt and JJ are doing. Those two had CRAZY good chemistry.  Did I say that already?  Maybe, I don't know.  I don't care.

Only thing that kinda bothered me was JJ. She lived in her mother's shadow and tried her very best to live beyond her mother's reputation.  At times, she used that to hold Colt at a distance.  There were times where I just wanted to say, "JJ, just move the heck away from there!!".  BUT, Ms. Ryan developed JJ and her transformation so well, that what started out as bothersome, made me appreciate JJ that much more.
Colt stepped into a beam of moonlight.  He was heading straight for her.

Five yards and closing.  Jenna gripped the tree.  She was pinned by his presence.

Three yards.

His eyes blazed like blue fire.  His expression was set with such intensity it could melt her skin.

At a few steps away, Colt gripped the bill of his hat and swung it around to the back of his head.  And then he was on her.  His mouth hungry, seeking, his body pushing against hers.  She was caught between a big oak and a big man.  Everything about him consumed her.

Yeah.  Are you there yet?  Have you bought it yet?  The whole wearing a ball cap and turning backwards totally worked for me.  I have to say that even though this is a Brazen (where sometimes the physical supersedes the emotional), the emotional aspect of this book is just as substantial of the physical connection between Colt and JJ. Kudos to Ms. Ryan on that one.

It's only .99 cents and frankly, I'd pay way more than that. (FYI, I'm over the 99 cent book thing and that's another post for another day)



Purchase: Amazon // B & N


This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews

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  • 7 September, 2014: Finished reading
  • 7 September, 2014: Reviewed