The Secret to Falling in Love by Victoria Cooke

The Secret to Falling in Love

by Victoria Cooke

Status Update: I’m going offline for a while… Wish me luck! xx

Lifestyle journalist and thirty-something singleton Melissa hashtags, insta's and snapchats her supposedly fabulous life on every social media platform there is.

That is until she wakes up on her birthday, another year older and still alone, wondering if for all her internet dates, love really can be found online? The challenge: go technology free for a whole month!

Forced to confront the reality of her life without its perfect filters, Melissa knows she needs to make some changes. But when she bumps into not one, but two gorgeous men, without the use of an app, she believes there could be hope for love offline.

If only there was a way to choose the right guy for her…

Reviewed by Lynn on

4 of 5 stars

Social media dominates journalist Melissa's lifestyle as her phone is her constant companion, a problem which highlights her current dilemma on her birthday; she's single and thirty-five years old with no dates lines up. When her phone disappears and she can't log into her work PC at the office, her editor tells her she has to write about the experience. She's sceptical but accepts the challenge and finds the rewards outweigh the inconvenience.

I loved the idea of the heroine going without social media. It's a thought-provoking plot-line which makes the reader think beyond the narrative and how their own lives shape up compared to Melissa when comparing social media usage. It definitely gave me food for thought even though my background and circumstances are vastly different to hers. However, it's foolish to think this novel is serious, far from it. The humorous dialogue flows throughout this refreshing and entertaining romance and definitely kept my attention for the duration.

I know some readers will be thinking this is a love triangle, based on the promotional blurb. Yes, two guys are interested in Melissa, but you'll just have to trust my word and read this novel yourself to find out how they both happened to be in the heroine's orbit simultaneously because it's definitely a fascinating take on the events taking place. It's a lesson on how other peoples actions can impact, either coincidentally or deliberately.

Light-hearted, with relatable characters, The Secret to Falling in Love is a delightful introduction to Ms Cooke's writing. The words flow along with amusing dialogue from everyone from the main protagonists, down to the smallest of secondary characters. It's fun, yet gives the reader food for thought about how they manage and maintain their own lives in the twenty-first century.

***review copy received courtesy of HQ Digital via Rachel's Random Resources***

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  • Started reading
  • 1 February, 2019: Finished reading
  • 1 February, 2019: Reviewed