Adios to My Old Life by Caridad Ferrer

Adios to My Old Life

by Caridad Ferrer

Does a seventeen-year-old from Miami have what it takes to be the next big Latin superstar? And does she really want it?

As a talented singer-guitarist with a dream of going pro, Alegría Montero is getting fed up with the endless, boring parade of quinceañeras and other family party gigs. She's longing for something bigger. And Oye Mi Canto—a new reality TV show that's searching for the next Latin superstar—is definitely that. Ali figures she'll never make the cut, but auditioning seems like a good way to get her overprotective father to take her ambitions seriously.

To Ali's complete shock, she passes her audition. Next thing she knows, she's dealing with wardrobe fittings, cameras, reporters, vocal coaches, and websites designed by lovestruck fanboys. She's also dealing with jealousy, malice, and sabotage among the contestants, all of which has her wondering: Is it really time to shoot for the stars and try to win the whole competition, or is it time to say "Cut!" and become a normal teenager again?

Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

If you like "behind the scenes" type of books, then you need to read Adiós to My Old Life! Ali has just auditioned for Oye Mi Canto, which is being described as the Latin American Idol. She knows that she's good, but she's still surprised when she makes it. Ali is even more surprised by how quickly her life changes once the competition starts. Not only is she living her dream of performing, but she met a cute boy, picked up an enemy who will do anything to win, and discovered more about herself than she ever knew.

Adiós to My Old Life is such a fun read. It had me hooked from the first chapter because Ali has such an authentic voice. I liked her and her best friend, Sosi, immediately and loved their friendship. Ali is confident without being cocky, and doesn't let her newfound fame change her or distract her from her goals. There's also a lot of focus on her relationship with her father, which tends to be really rare. He's not a mysterious disappearing parent, even if he isn't there every single step of the way. He and Ali fight, bump heads, but ultimately talk things out and make up. His best friend, Elaine, is also there to be a buffer between the two and I really enjoyed her interactions with Ali as well.

There is a romance in Adiós to My Old Life. Ali meets Jaime at the audition and obviously notices that he's cute. Then when she comes back to film the show, the two hit it off. There aren't too many scenes of them together, but I liked what was included. They're cute together. I also liked how Ali didn't let her feelings for Jaime override what she felt was right or wrong. She keeps her head about her, even if it does lead to a temporary parting of our lovers.

I definitely recommend Adiós to My Old Life. It was so refreshing to read about such a down to earth character, but have her in a chaotic situation without things feeling forced or over-the-top. I love reality TV books, so I'm super glad that I discovered this one!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 12 May, 2016: Finished reading
  • 12 May, 2016: Reviewed