Reviewed by Lynn on

3 of 5 stars

Kabana Wild is the first part of the Tropical Duet by Josie Jax, a new author to me. Set in Hawaii, this novel is a standalone.

Kiona is the CEO of the family business but her domineering father Heloki very much financially controls his daughter, who loves Nakolo (Kol). He disapproves of the relationship and spitefully sacks Kol from his foreman job because of his involvement with Kiona. To gain financial independence from her father, a plot's formulated to meet the criteria for Kiona to gain access to her trust fund, only this proposal turns out to be way more than Kiona ever envisaged.

Mitch Wulfrum is a Hollywood heartthrob who is trying to deflect the press away from persistent rumours that he is gay. Thanks to Jager Manning his publicist, it's decided he needs to get married to quash the negative publicity. A plan's hatched, yet details become complicated once Mitch meets the woman he is to marry.

I liked the premise of the plot a lot...a proposed marriage of convenience with both parties gaining from the legal arrangement. The idea's orchestrated by Jager Manning, who's not only Mitch's publicity manager but Heloki's PR manager. The contract has clauses that make this sham more intriguing. Kiona wants to continue her relationship with Kol and be a trophy wife for Mitch! Secrets are revealed which could jeopardise the whole proceedings.

I liked the inclusion of the Hawaiian words to add authenticity to the plot setting, but would have preferred less of them to avoid flicking to the glossary until my brain has familiarised itself with them! The author's writing style is sexy and imaginative, however, I'd like to have experienced more character development between the protagonists and Kol to gain a greater understanding of why they think a ménage is a solution to their dilemma, especially due to the legal binding of their contracts.

The story ends with a happy for now for the protagonists. Overall, Kabana Wild is a fun, sexy quick read...a perfect beach/pool book for a hot Summer day.

***arc generously received courtesy of publisher Loose Id LLC via Tasty Book Tours***

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  • Started reading
  • 25 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 25 April, 2016: Reviewed