The Nine Lives of Rose Napolitano by Donna Freitas

The Nine Lives of Rose Napolitano

by Donna Freitas

“A powerful exploration of motherhood and feminism… this novel will have readers examining their own ‘what-ifs.’” Jill Santopolo, New York Times bestselling author of Everything After

“[An] inventive novel about love, loss, identity, and compromise.”—Woman's Day

“Delves deep into love, motherhood, and the complicated dance that is navigating the world as a woman.” — Claire Lombardo, New York Times bestselling author of The Most Fun We Ever Had

A deeply moving novel about a woman who thought she never wanted to be a mother—and the many ways that life can surprise us

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Reviewed by Martha G on

5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars and rounding up. This is a great book for a book club discussion. The focus of the book is whether or not having a baby, will it save a marriage, end a marriage, or create resentment. Rose does not want kids and this book takes you down 9 different lives depending on the decisions that Rose makes. Very thought provoking on what it means to be a mother, society’s expectations and what happens when one partner changes their mind on something as important as wanting children.

This pulled me in from the beginning and kept me interested all the way to the end. For those that don’t like jumping timelines, this may not be one for you as it did get confusing trying to remember which Rose made which decisions but I just kept reading and it didn’t bother me.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 December, 2021: Finished reading
  • 28 December, 2021: Reviewed