Reviewed by funstm on

4 of 5 stars

I don't really like Devlin. It's very hard to like Devlin. Because I like Julianna and he's an ass to her. He was an ass to Sophie. He wasn't keen on Gwen. Dude kinda sucks.

But you know. The rest of the story was good and I liked Julianna. It's romantic suspense, it happens too fast and is often over the top but enjoyable nonetheless. The twist was good. I had suspected some of it but the true extent of it wasn't even on my radar.

I love Ethan. And in this one we get the beginning of Carly and Ethan's story. Which YAY! I'm so excited for Beware of Me - it's going to be awesome.

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  • 28 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 28 July, 2015: Reviewed
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  • 28 July, 2015: Reviewed