Enchanted Revenge by Theresa M Jones

Enchanted Revenge (Empyrean Chronicles, #1)

by Theresa M Jones

When seventeen year old Lily finds her parents brutally murdered, leaving her broken and alone, she is determined to bring justice to the fairies responsible.

Her quest leads her to infiltrate The Empyrean, the land of the Fae where terrifying creatures lurk in every shadow. But with a political rebellion mounting, bloody battles and foreign enemies stand in her way. Alec, a mysterious fairy keeping his own secrets, gradually becomes her guide and dear friend in the unfamiliar world, and restores her faith in love.

Disturbing secrets about her parent’s true identity are revealed, causing her to be more involved with the devastating fairy war than she can afford. Her vengeful mission becomes compromised and her growing romance with Alec wavers.

She must conquer her fear of the unknown, ignore her grief, and overcome her growing list of enemies if she is to succeed in avenging her parents’ death. Or ever make it out alive.

Enchanted Revenge appeals to fans of Julie Kagawa and Jennifer L. Armentrout.

This is a full length novel, and is the first in the four-book Empyrean Chronicles. It is a YOUNG ADULT urban fantasy, and has some mild sensuality and language.

Reviewed by stressedrach on

5 of 5 stars

Coming home to see your parents brutally murdered is a huge thing to deal with but when someone else is in the house, Alec a Realm Guard, who tells you that you are not who you think you, that magic and fairies are real are, just adds to that huge deal. Lily wants revenge for her parents death and Alec is right by her side to help her.
Alec and Lily are Sylphs although Lily won’t come into her magic or grow her wings until her eighteenth birthday which is just two weeks away. During that time she meets different fairies some good, some bad, a unicorn and so much more. This is the world she had dreamed of before but thought it was just a dream.

This was a great start to the trilogy, Theresa M. Jones gave a lot of thought into the setting of her world and so much detail you can really picture yourself in Empyrean. I felt that I got to know both Lily and Alec so well and that I was in their shoes.
I was hooked from the start and couldn’t put it down, it was so good.
I am really looking forward to reading the second book in the series, with lots of secrets revealed in this book I am sure book 2 will be just as good if not even better.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 January, 2016: Finished reading
  • 13 January, 2016: Reviewed