Reviewed by anastasia on

3 of 5 stars

[Reason for purchasing:
I was browsing Kindle books on Amazon; looking for new books to read, and clicked on this one, I probably should have read the synopsis first!!! Ughhh…. however, seeing that it was FREE and all, I just went with it, and didn't cancel or delete the novel… it can't be that bad, right?]

For starters, it was a VERY, VERY short read, approximately 40 pages.

Once I read it I was shaking my head at ever having mistakenly gotten this book that didn't seem to have a story or any redeeming features, merely an exercise in sexual happenings. There wasn't much story-line to get into. The story line could be interesting but for me it was boring and I didn't find any substance within the characters to even want me to keep reading about them. :(

Even though it was FREE, it was NOT worth the time, and for only a few pages. And OMFG a CLIFFHANGER!!!!!

I'm definitely going to start reading the synopsis, especially with FREE books!!

I usually don't give low ratings, so with this novel I was generous with the rating giving it a 3, when I would have given it a 1/5 or 0/5 stars….

Happy Reading!!

-Ana @SoManyBooksSoLittleTime

Review is also posted at SO MANY BOOKS, SO LITTLE TIME

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  • Started reading
  • 10 June, 2013: Finished reading
  • 10 June, 2013: Reviewed