Rhiannon of the Spring by Allan Frewin Jones

Rhiannon of the Spring (Destiny's Path)

by Allan Frewin Jones

YOU CAN BE A WARRIOR IF YOU CHOOSE TO BE ...Fifteen-year-old Branwen's life is changed for ever when enemy Saxon troops attack her homeland and kill her brother. Branwen is ready to jump into action and avenge her brother's death , but instead she is sent to a neighbouring village, safe out of harm's way. Yet while she is surrounded by exquisite luxury in her new home - as a princess should be - she feels different from other girls. Branwen has the soul of a warrior. Then a mystical woman in white foretells a daunting prophecy that Branwen will be the one to save her homeland. With no time to lose, Branwen must make a choice: continue in the path her parents set for her ...or step into the role of a true warrior princess.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Branwen must choose her future, stay out of harms way or fight against the Saxon invader. What she doesn't realise is that there are powers at work, powers that could help or hinder her choices.

Branwen is caught between a lot of different worlds and her choices aren't easy, nor are they depicted as easy. In several instances they're depicted as being pretty uniformly bad, for a change in some YA novels (recent experiences may have coloured this comment) she chooses the hard rather than the soft route and while there was some romantic moments the romance was very secondary to her development as a person (double yay). The covers don't do this series any justice, she should really have a weapon in one of those hands! I'm looking forward to more in this series, while there were moments that didn't quite work, most of it was very well done.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 June, 2012: Finished reading
  • 24 June, 2012: Reviewed