American Queen by Sierra Simone

American Queen (New Camelot, #1)

by Sierra Simone

Warned as a girl to keep her kisses to herself, Greer Galloway disobeys twice--once on her sixteenth birthday as she's kneeling in a pool of broken glass, and another time after a charming stranger named Embry Moore whisks her into the dazzling Chicago night. Both times she falls in love, and both times her heart is broken beyond repair. And so as an adult, she vows never to kiss--or to love again.

That's until the Vice President of the United States shows up at the university where she teaches, and asks for one thing: for her to meet with the...

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Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

I was intrigued by the blurb to this book when I first read it. But I don't think it does this book justice. There is so much to this book.

There was something about Greer, the heroine, that I instantly liked. Maybe it was the fact that she had lost so much, so young. Or the fact that her loving grandfather used her a bit to gain the upper hand in his political circles. Or that as she grew older the only friend she has was her cousin who, frankly, left something to be desired. I wanted to befriend Greer so I could protect her because it didn't seem like she had a lot of people looking out for Greer and what she wanted.
Fast forward to the present and an adult Greer is faced with not only her teenage crush, the current President of the United States, but also the only other man she gave a piece of herself to, the current Vice President. Both of these men own a piece of Greer and it's a bit heartbreaking to see her torn between the two of them. But Greer's not the only one torn. There's something more than friendship between Ash and Embry and you have to wonder if the feelings these three have are going to rip them apart.

All three characters are broken down by the baggage they carry. They've been pawns for policial gain and can only trust a very select few. But it wasn't until almost the end of the book that, as a reader, you finally understand that these three need to be together in order for them to be truly whole. It doesn't matter if one's a Dom, a sub or overly promiscious. They need each other, together, or else they're just hurting themselves.

I can't wait to see what comes next with this series. Evil is afoot and it's going to rock this threesome to it's core...I can feel it.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 25 October, 2016: Reviewed