The Complete MAUS by Art Spiegelman

The Complete MAUS

by Art Spiegelman

Maus I: A Survivor's Tale and Maus II - the complete story of Vladek Spiegelman and his wife, living and surviving in Hitler's Europe. By addressing the horror of the Holocaust through cartoons, the author captures the everyday reality of fear and is able to explore the guilt, relief and extraordinary sensation of survival - and how the children of survivors are in their own way affected by the trials of their parents. A contemporary classic of immeasurable significance.

Reviewed by boghunden on

3 of 5 stars

This was a very interesting read, but somehow very depressing.

I read this in Danish, and the writing style was very annoying. "Den mand, den hus, den vej, den skole." 'Den, den, den,' all the time! I think it would have been much better in English, although I have no idea if that's correct or not. I was told there'd be a lot of humor in this book, but I don't think so. To me, it wasn't humor as much as it was sarcasm. It was really sarcastic, and I loved that.

The illustrations are very dark, but that goes fine with the theme of this book. I wasn't too fond of the drawing style, but it didn't really matter that much, since the story was the important part here.

This book has two storylines; one that takes place during WW2 and one that takes place "now" (1980's). This worked very well for me, and I had a hard time deciding on which one I liked the most.

With another writing and drawing style, this book would probably have gained another star. I'd also have liked to be a bit more invested in the story than I was. I don't know, it just needed that little extra something.

A good read though.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 20 November, 2014: Reviewed