Upon The Midnight Clear by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Upon The Midnight Clear (Dark-Hunter, #12) (The Dark-Hunter World)

by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Ever think Scrooge had it right before the ghosts ruined his life? Meet Aidan O'Conner. At one time he was a world-renowned celebrity who gave freely of himself and his money without wanting anything in return . . . until those around him took without asking. Now Aidan wants nothing of the world - or anyone who's a part of it. When a stranger appears at his doorstep, Aidan knows he's seen her before. . .in his dreams.

Born on Olympus as a goddess, Leta knows nothing of the human world. But a ruthless enemy has driven her from the...

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Reviewed by Linda on

4 of 5 stars

This book actually had me in tears at the end... Beautifully written! There should always be hope.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 November, 2010: Finished reading
  • 24 November, 2010: Reviewed