His Brown-Eyed Girl by Liz Talley

His Brown-Eyed Girl (Harlequin Large Print Super Romance, #1878) (Harlequin Super Romance, #1878)

by Liz Talley

Lucas Finlay is used to calling the shots. But looking after his two nephews and niece in New Orleans, he’s entirely out of his league. Luckily help is next door. With almost no effort Addy Toussant manages to make order from the kid chaos.

Lucas is beyond grateful… he’s also very attracted to her. Images of an adults-only play date are soon dancing in his head. Yet something in Addy’s golden brown eyes tells him not to rush her. It seems that if this romance is to go anywhere, he needs to let her take the lead.

Given the...

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Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars

Deep Romance. This is one of those romances with deep character backstories and a fair amount of action, particularly in the back/ closing sections of the book. Excellent dramas that all get resolved to make a self-contained story, but allow for some explorations elsewhere should the author decide to pursue them. If you can't handle reading any form of stalker-based tale at all, this one probably isn't for you. If you're looking for a "clean" romance... eh, this one probably won't work for you either. But for most everyone else, truly an excellent romance book that hits pretty well all of the expectations while doing each quite well. Very much recommended.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 September, 2020: Finished reading
  • 14 September, 2020: Reviewed