Burglars Can't be Choosers by Lawrence Block

Burglars Can't be Choosers (Bernie Rhodenbarr, #1) (Bernie Rhodenbarr Mystery)

by Lawrence Block

Now, we all know Bernie's the type of guy who likes to work alone. He finds the profits are higher and the risks a lot lower. But in Burglars Can't Be Choosers, Bernie finds that while he's no beggar, he's not above taking on a rare work-for-hire. It's simple, really. All he has to do is break into a posh East Side apartment, grab a blue leather-covered box, deliver it to his mysterious employer, and pocket a nice, easy fee. Well, nothing's ever that easy. No sooner is Bernie inside the apartment when things start to go wrong. Things like...no blue box. Things like...the police, led by his old nemesis, detective Ray Kirschmann. Things like...the dead body in the bedroom. Things like...being accused of murder. Bernie, suddenly on the run, couldn't ask for a better place to hide than the anonymous streets of New York City - except for the fact his face is now in every tabloid newspaper and on every television newscast. Holing up at an out-of-town friend's apartment, he meets up with a lovely young lady ready with aid and comfort...and other resources. At last Bernie's got some time to figure out what's going on, and who set him up. And why.

Reviewed by kentholloway on

5 of 5 stars

I’ve only read a few Bernie Rhodenbarr books in the past, but always enjoyed them. Now, I’m older. Wiser. Decided to start from the beginning. With Burglars Can’t Be Choosers, I’m now hooked. A rabid fan even. I can’t tell you how hard it is to find fun, light-hearted true whodunnits these days without them involving cats or bakers. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I’m a guy. Who wants a manly whodunnit every once in a while. And Bernie is manly. A refined man, of course. An honest man...for a burglar. A lady’s man too. But he sure can solve a frolicking fun case in witty burglar fashion. I’ve already loaded up book two and will start tomorrow.

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  • 19 March, 2018: Reviewed
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  • 19 March, 2018: Reviewed