Reviewed by Linda on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews
Anarchy Chained is quite the finale to the SuperAlpha series! So much was going on, and the wicked twists and turns were out of this world - literally!

Anarchy Chained was such a wicked trip! I am still trying to catch my breath, get my wits about me and make my heartbeat slow back down! Huss is a master at mind-fucks! She really, really is. And with this story, she took it even further than usual in my opinion. At the beginning, I was a bit lost, and I continued to feel like the story was a couple of paces ahead of me for most of the time, and it was truly thrilling to never guess a single thing that was going on.

Thomas was the SuperAlpha I was so curious about, he always seemed so removed and cold, but in Anarchy Chained, he showed new sides of himself, and it was tantalising to get to know him better. Sadie, the female protagonist, was such a mystery, too. And usually, I don't enjoy stories where amnesia is a part of the plot, however, here, it just worked so well and I absolutely loved that Sadie didn't remember things, it made both the plot and the story thicken.

The alpha's big plan was supposed to come to fruition in Anarchy Chained, and my goodness, there were so many roadblocks it was like a hurdles championship. Every time I thought one thing would happen, something totally unexpected happened instead. And the fast pace, the action, the characters, it all moved the story forward in such a way that my mind was totally blown. Which I guess it was probably supposed to be.

Written in dual points of views, from Thomas and Sadie's perspectives, in present tense and with dialogues that made me feel like I was watching Orphan Black on speed. If you enjoy stories that are completely different, difficult to put in a genre box, but where there is still some romance, the whole SuperAlpha series should make it to your shelves!

Someone died early this morning. I know this because I have his memories, and let me tell you, there are some fucked-up people in this world - people you should never know anything about - and he was one of them.

We will put an end to this Cathedral City bullshit once and for all as soon as I get Sadie on my side. Hashtag, done deal.

I glance over at my new sidekick and smile. And if I were to see this smile in a mirror, I'd see what everyone sees. Evil.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 12 June, 2017: Reviewed