Reviewed by funstm on

3 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this one, although there was something very detached about most of it. But maybe that was the idea - you start with the methodical hitman and then he starts to feel. I don't know. But it got better as it progressed. The relationship between Nick and Rachael was a little fast - although not overly lovey dovey. They meet and then they're together but they don't tell the daughter even though it's fairly obvious when they're getting it on in front of her. They didn't really seem to have extreme chemistry - on the other hand they definitely seem to become friends and the banter between them was highly entertaining. My favourite character by far was Jean. She amused me a lot. My second favourite though would have to be Deke. Rachael could be kind of wishywashy - sometimes she was strong and somewhat bloodthirsty and then she'd be horrified by the idea that he kills people. I kind of felt like she needed to fully commit or get out. Nick was okay. I liked the whole writer as a cover. The humour was one of the best parts of this book - there was lots of witty banter.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 12 March, 2017: Reviewed