Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This was one of those books that when you read the blurb you think "I'll give it a try" and hope for the best. I'm glad I tried it.

Ethan and Cara have been best friends forever. They've seen each other through thick and thin. And while the Atlantic Ocean separates them most of the time, they are still there for each. So when Ethan spies Cara's boyfriend being overly friendly with a woman in a local bar in Ireland, he takes it upon himself to punch said boyfriend and make sure the boyfriend knew he was going to be an ex very soon. Ethan is then on a mission to find Cara to make sure she knew that the man who proposed to her was out cheating on her. When he finds her, she's stuck in a Winnie-the-Pooh costume in nothing but her underwear. As he helps her out, a photog snaps a couple of shots of them in a compromising position. It's one of those photos that changes everything for Ethan and Cara.

The change from best friends to lovers played out exactly like I'd imagine the scenario playing out. They both have these feelings they aren't sure the other one is feeling as well. They both decide to throw caution to the wind and move the relationship forward. And finally they both realize they feel much more than friendship for the other but can't read how the other is feeling and are scared to find out what they feel isn't reciprocated. And while there wasn't any surprise to how the story evolved, the characters were very down to earth and likeable that you hoped the path to get to their HEA was an easy one.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 February, 2012: Finished reading
  • 24 February, 2012: Reviewed