Thank You, Miyuki by Roxanne Marie Galliez

Thank You, Miyuki

by Roxanne Marie Galliez

Miyuki and her grandfather return in an enchanting intergenerational story enhanced by Seng Soun Ratanavanh’s gorgeous Japanese-inspired illustrations. Miyuki’s curiosity is piqued by her grandfather’s morning meditation routine, and she is eager to learn this new skill. Her wise and patient grandfather first takes her on a walk in the garden. “When do we start to meditate?” she asks repeatedly. Grandfather enjoys the warm sun and stops to smell a rose, inviting Miyuki to join him. Their walk in the garden, filled with many tender moments, heightens their gratitude for each other and for the world around them. Miyuki comes to understand that in the small acts of mindfulness throughout her day, she learned how to meditate.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

This is the third book I've happily reviewed about Miyuki. This time, she's impatiently waiting for grandfather to be done with tai-chi so they can have adventures. Miyuki wants to learn to meditate *right now*. Each part of her quest is accompanied by full page illustrations which are breathtakingly lovely, crisp, and beautifully rendered. This is a wonderful book for children and adults alike and would make a super read-together for bedtime (or library read-along). The concepts of meditation, mindfulness, patience, and gratitude in the moment are presented gently and accessibly.

I'm so enchanted by the clean expressive style of the artwork and the gentle lulling lyricism of the prose. This is a really beautifully made book and it would make a superlative selection as a gift or classroom/library book.

Superlative. Five stars

32 pages, anticipated release date 1st Sept, 2020, available in hardback format.
Author: Roxane Marie Galliez
Illustrator: Seng Soun Ratanavanh
Published by Princeton Architectural Press

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes

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  • Started reading
  • 13 July, 2020: Finished reading
  • 13 July, 2020: Reviewed