Reviewed by phyllish on

4 of 5 stars

Cassidy had a big trust issue – at least where actors were concerned. After having her heart yanked out and stomped all over by one, there was no way she was going to risk that happening again!

Once again, Lindzee Armstrong has written a romantic story that combines humor and serious moments. I liked the way that Jase was willing to jump in to help at the cupcake shop and how he respected Cassidy’s need for independence and still found ways to help her as she struggled with issues.

Though this is part of the series about the Toujour matchmaking company, there isn’t any matchmaking in this one. This is a rewrite of “Cupcakes and Cowboys” to integrate it into the No Match for Love series. New scenes have been added and others were redone. Jase was first introduced in Match Me By Christmas, on the Toujour run matchmaking cruise where Cassidy’s brother Shawn was the cruise director. While I remembered some of the details from the original story, it has been long enough that other than remembering after I started a section that it was familiar, I couldn’t even tell you what changed.

If you are looking for a light-hearted romance with lovable characters, I recommend this one.

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I was given a copy of this book for free. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  • 24 December, 2018: Reviewed