The Impossible Dead by Ian Rankin

The Impossible Dead (Malcolm Fox, #2)

by Ian Rankin

The Complaints: that's the name given to the Internal Affairs department who seek out dirty and compromised cops, the ones who've made deals with the devil. And sometimes The Complaints must travel.

A major inquiry into a neighboring police force sees Malcolm Fox and his colleagues cast adrift, unsure of territory, protocol, or who they can trust. An entire station-house looks to have been compromised, but as Fox digs deeper he finds the trail leads him back in time to the suicide of a prominent politician and activist. There are secrets buried in the past, and reputations on...

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Reviewed by mackhazelwood on

4 of 5 stars

Another great mystery novel by the great Scottish author Ian Rankin.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 13 November, 2015: Reviewed