Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

Once again, success in finding a dreamy romance from Summerside Press' Love Finds You series. LFY in Golden, New Mexico is my first novel from author Lena Nelson Dooley and excitedly not my last. The romance just melts off of the pages. Another prairie mail-order-bride story, but different from any other and worth every turn of the page. I was entertained and enlightened. It's a great story where the bad people are bad, but Christ shines through and just might win some in the end. Listening to the characters and their prayers and seeing each of them learn and grow is an internally reflective experience. From the riches of Boston to the heat of New Mexico riches are discovered in a plethora of different ways and shown to be more than just finances. I highly recommend this read as I do so far all the historical Love Finds You novels that I have read thus far. I look forward to adding both more LFY and Lena Nelson Dooley books to my TBR lists in the future.

*Thanks to Summerside Press for providing a copy for review through CFBA.*

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  • Started reading
  • 5 June, 2010: Finished reading
  • 5 June, 2010: Reviewed