Perfect Ruin by Lauren DeStefano

Perfect Ruin (Internment Chronicles, #1)

by Lauren DeStefano

Morgan Stockhour knows getting too close to the edge of Internment, the floating city and her home, can lead to madness. Even though her older brother, Lex, was a Jumper, Morgan vows never to end up like him. There’s too much for her on Internment: her parents, best friend Pen, and her betrothed, Basil. Her life is ordinary and safe, even if she sometimes does wonder about the ground and why it’s forbidden.

Then a murder, the first in a generation, rocks the city. With whispers swirling and fear on the wind, Morgan can no longer stop herself from investigating, especially once she meets Judas. Betrothed to the victim, Judas is being blamed for the murder, but Morgan is convinced of his innocence. Secrets lay at the heart of Internment, but nothing can prepare Morgan for what she will find—or whom she will lose.

Reviewed by violetpeanut on

3 of 5 stars

I admit, I was a little bit disappointed by this one. There is amazing world building and great character building but the pace was altogether too slow for my liking. The plot was interesting and I will definitely pick up the next in the series when it comes out but overall this was not as amazing as I was hoping it would be.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 19 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 19 October, 2013: Reviewed
  • Started reading
  • 4 February, 2015: Finished reading
  • 19 October, 2013: Reviewed