Aunt Dimity's Death by Nancy Atherton

Aunt Dimity's Death (Aunt Dimity Mystery, #1)

by Nancy Atherton

The debut that kicked off twenty-two books (and counting...) of the bestselling, beloved Aunt Dimity series. Watch out for Nancy Atherton's latest, Aunt Dimity and the King's Ransom, coming in July 2018 from Viking!

Lori Shepherd thought Aunt Dimity was just a character in a bedtime story...

...Until the Dickensian law firm of Willis & Willis summons her to a reading of the woman's will. Down-on-her-luck Lori learns she's about to inherit a siazable estate--if she can discover the secret hidden in a treasure trove of letters in Dimity's English country cottage. What begins as a fairy tale becomes a mystery--and a ghost story--in an improbably...

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Reviewed by Liz (Bent Bookworm) on

3 of 5 stars

This is one of those cute little cozy mysteries. That I'm slightly embarrassed to admit I like to read. Sometimes. But there it is. I didn't go into this with high expectations (um...the very pretext is a communicative, NICE ghost), but I was pleasantly surprised by endearing characters and an entertaining story line. It's very homey and Lori sounds like someone I'd like to be friends with. Not for diehard thriller fans or realists.

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  • 8 May, 2016: Reviewed