Auracle by Gina Rosati


by Gina Rosati

Anna has a secret: she can astrally project out of her body. But when there's an accident and her classmate Taylor gets into Anna's body, what was an exhilarating gift threatens to become a terrifying reality. Anna and her best friend Rei form a plan to set things right, but they don't anticipate the feelings that are beginning to grow between them. This exciting, sensual novel explores the relationship between body and soul and the power of a single touch.

Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

Auracle was so much freaking fun! I'm kind of mad at myself for taking so long to read it! Anna can astral project. She can go anywhere at anytime, and no one knows it, except for her best friend Rei. Then one day, Anna witnesses one of her classmates die while separate from her body. When she gets home, her body is gone! It turns out that Taylor didn't go into the light. Instead she took over Anna's body and she's not going anywhere.

Auracle is super predictable, but that did not take away from my enjoyment. The whole plot revolves around Anna trying to get back into her body, while also saving her friend Seth from going to prison for Taylor's murder. She is hellbent on using Anna as the "sole eyewitness" of her murder, because she's mad at Seth for rejecting her. It's a lot of shallow high school drama, but I thought it was fun and really easy to breeze through.

I don't have a lot that I want to say about Auracle. It's just a light, fun read. Anna's ability is really cool and I liked the way that it was explained. Taylor is the typical mean girl, and she does some daring stuff to Anna's body! The only thing that I didn't like was that Taylor falsely accused Seth of sexual assault, but I also think it was clear from the text that the author was saying this was a bad thing to do. There's also a pretty cute romance between Anna and Rei, and some definite tension while she's stuck without a body but still has...bodily needs....

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 24 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 24 December, 2015: Reviewed