Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey

Shattered Souls

by Mary Lindsey

When a Texas high school student starts hearing voices, she assumes she is schizophrenic like her father, but instead she finds out that she is a "Speaker," who can communicate with the dead in order to help their troubled souls find resolution.

Reviewed by Kelsenator on

3 of 5 stars

Originally posted on my blog Kelsey's Cluttered Bookshelf

I honestly didn’t know what to expect with this book, whether I’d like it or not, but I’m glad I read it.

On Lenzi’s 17th birthday, the little noises in the background she usually hears get more intense, to the point that they turn into voices. They follow her, always asking for help, and she thinks she is going crazy like her father did before he died. That night she meets Alden, who wants to help her understand and control what she’s going through. She doesn’t trust him at first, but after her first attack by a ghost, she is willing to take the risk. He tells her that she’s been doing this for centuries under the name Rose, and for some reason she has no recollection of any of her past memories.

Lenzi is a Speaker, one who can communicate with the dead to help them pass on, by letting them house their soul in her body for a short time. Alden is her Protector, one who is there to watch over her, and help release the souls she lets in. The ghosts are called Hindered, and it is their job as a team to help them out. The Malevolent are the dangerous ones, what they would refer to as demons, who are violent and angry. Dealing with a jealous boyfriend Zak, she tries to handle what is going on with all this new information, and to make it worse, there’s a Malevolent that seems to be out to get her, and Alden knows more than he’s telling her.

Ok, I have to say that I really liked this book, it was not what I was expecting. I loved the story behind Rose and Alden, Race and Maddi who we meet later were pretty cool. I would recommend this to those who is looking for paranormal, romance, some action and definitely a good story.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 April, 2012: Finished reading
  • 1 April, 2012: Reviewed