Don't Tempt Me by Lori Foster

Don't Tempt Me

by Lori Foster

"Jason Guthrie has no time for entanglements- -between helping out his widowed brother and teenage nephew and getting his hometown back on its feet, his days are spoken for. But his nights are another story ... And when his lovely new neighbor, Honor Brown, reluctantly accepts his help in remodeling her house, Jason finds himself wishing his handyman skills could knock down the defenses she keeps building around herself."

Jason has no time for entanglements; his days are spoken for. But when his lovely new neighbor, Honor, reluctantly accepts his help in remodeling her house, Jason finds his nights are another story. Meanwhile Jason's friend, martial arts teacher Sullivan, has learned to avoid party girls like Lexie, but can't seem to keep his heart from landing at her feet.

Reviewed by Linda on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews
Don't Tempt Me is all about new beginnings, courage, friendship and family.

Sometimes, you grow up with a great family surrounding you, other times, you just have to make your own family - surround yourself by people you love and who love you back. The latter was the case for Honor in Don't Tempt Me. Because she moved to stay closer to her dying grand-dad, Honor really didn't have much tame for herself. Between her job, going to the nursery home in the middle of the night and trying to do some work on her house, she was a very busy lady. She still managed to get closer to her neighbors little by little, though, in big part thanks to her best friend, Lexie.

The writing, as always with a Foster book, was spot-on! I really got to know Honor and Jason well, and there were quite a few chapters about Lexie and her romance as well. Some of Honor's inner dialogues really got to me, though, because she was so very insecure when it came to other people. In some ways, it's completely understandable, her mom disappeared, and then her dad just kind of left her with her grand-dad - so she was used to people leaving. When she moved in, though, Jason offered to help her carry some stuff into her house, and she was all about not wanting to impose! When people offer help, it's usually because they truly want to help, and the not wanting to impose part got old fast.

The slow pace and the way the romance unfolded really made my toes curl in pleasure, though, and the character development was nothing short of amazing! Written in third person point of view, past tense, Don't Tempt Me is a strong romance that is perfect for reading during a lazy summer day!

She tried to concentrate on Colt's father, but couldn't. She glanced at his brother again, and her gaze got caught in his. Something, challenge or maybe interest, kicked up the corner of his mouth in a nearly indiscernible way. But she saw it. Shoot, she felt it.

Somehow, on her, the mismatched outfit looked pretty damn hot. in fact, no matter what she war, the sight of her never failed to fire his blood.

If sex had ever before been that amazing, she probably wouldn't have given it up so easily.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 June, 2016: Finished reading
  • 23 June, 2016: Reviewed