Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

There are no vampires in this book is one I will certainly share with my high school students. This book centers around a young woman coming to grips with the trauma of her past. You get glimpses into her past via her journal. You also get glimpse into her current thoughts through the journal. The rest of the story is told in 3rd person. Tarryn is such a relatable character; she has had a tough past, and did what I think most people do to cope. She pretended to be what everyone wanted so they would get off her back. She has 2 amazing friends who support her through her crazy ideas and they are the only people she doesn't hide her real thoughts from. Its a much deeper emotional book than I expected but I think high school students will really enjoy Tarryn's honesty and her desire to hold on to the idea that she feels her parents were killed by a vampire (I mean, hello, most of my students have entires zombie apocalypse plans! They will totally relate to a girl who thinks her parents will killed by a vampire!). Its a fairly short read as well. If you like YA/NA with some depth, this is a great book to pick up!

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  • Started reading
  • 27 September, 2015: Finished reading
  • 27 September, 2015: Reviewed