Suspicion by Joseph Finder


by Joseph Finder

"The thriller to read in 2014, about a single father who is forced to make a choice with unspeakable consequences-from New York Times bestselling author Joseph Finder . When single father Danny Goodman suddenly finds himself unable to afford the private school his teenage daughter adores, he has no one to turn to for financial support. In what seems like a stroke of brilliant luck, Danny meets Thomas Galvin, the father of his daughter's new best friend, who also happens to be one of the wealthiest men in Boston. Galvin is aware of Danny's situation and out of the blue offers a $50,000 loan to help Danny cover his daughter's tuition. Uncomfortable but desperate, Danny takes the money, promising to pay Galvin back. What transpires is something Danny never imagined. The moment the money is wired into his account, the DEA comes knocking on his door. Danny's impossible choice: an indictment for accepting drug money that he can't afford to fight in court, or an unthinkably treacherous undercover assignment helping the government get close to his new best friend. As Danny begins to lie to everyone in his life, including those he loves most in the world, he must decide once and for all who the real enemy is or risk losing everything-and everyone-that matters to him"--

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

3 of 5 stars

Caffeinated Aspects

  • Suspicion was an engaging thriller with twists and turns that kept me flipping the pages and unsure of the characters.

  • Finder presents an interesting dilemma for Danny. As a parent, I know the lengths I would go to for my own children. Would I have taken the money? This question makes the events surreal and amped up the suspense. Danny is an ordinary guy who finds himself swimming with sharks.

  • Twists and turns had me flipping the pages and questioning character’s motives. Finder keeps the reader unsure as he notches up the danger and slowly reveals motives. Red herrings made the story unpredictable, and I loved the chase to the truth.

  • Finder’s descriptions, pacing and clever plot kept the intensity high. This was an easy read and the four hundred pages quickly passed by.

Decaffeinated Aspects

  • The tale needed more development in the beginning of the novel. I wish that Finder had fleshed out the details and personalities of Danny and his daughter. I had trouble feeling for the daughter, who presents as a whiny teen. *but are not all teen girls that way?* I felt a little background would have perhaps endeared them to me.

  • There were moments that had me rolling my eyes and questioning the plausibility. I had to let go, and just go with it.

  • As much as I admired some of Danny’s strengths and the fact that he cares for his daughter, I did not really like him. This kept me from becoming emotionally invested in the outcome. Stupidity and sheepish behavior are not aspects I look for in a hero.

Copy provided by publisher. Full review at Caffeinated.This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 19 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 19 October, 2014: Reviewed