Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars

This was a VERY short read...20 minutes or less, but it was a good read.

Poor Anastasia has never had an orgasm. Not with a man. Not even with her BOB. So, her friend, Maria takes it upon herself to help her achieve that important milestone. She introduces Anastasia to her two very handsome, alpha brothers, Jake and Carter.

What happens next happens very quickly, but it really fits the story's time frame. I'm not going to give it away, though. The chemistry between Jake, Carter, and Anastasia is instant and extremely HOT! It's a menage story, so all three of them are together, but the brothers never touch each other. I'm still a newbie when it comes to shifter stories, but I'm really learning to love them.

This is the perfect story if you have a few minutes to spare. My first thought was that it would be a good fit for a doctor's appointment or waiting for your car's oil to be changed. I really enjoyed "The Orgasm Project", and I think you will too!

Reviewed by Kenna for Cocktails and Books

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  • 18 January, 2014: Reviewed