Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Lies in the Dark isn’t the most original vampire story, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Twenty years ago, Andrea and her father were cornered by vampires in an alley. He was killed, but Andrea survived thanks to another vampire named Gina. Now, the two women are still friends, but Andrea’s latest case as a PI has her questioning who her vampire bestie has become. She also isn’t sure that she can trust her new computer expert (aka hacker), Alicia, because of the suspicious circumstances surrounding her employment.

Lies in the Dark is kind of a Paranormal Mystery. Many of Andrea’s clients are coming in with stories that sound a lot like a new vampire gang has moved into town. Of course, no one believes her when she says that. The narrative jumps around a lot, so we spend time with several different characters and see what they’re up to. There’s a lot of lying, deceiving, and double crossing. Andrea is never sure who to trust as she tries to figure out what’s going on. She learns that there’s a group of people calling themselves The Company, who basically assassinate vampires. But what is Gina and Alicia’s connection to them?

I liked Lies in the Dark a lot. I do wish it didn’t jump around so much, even though that let us know what was going on at all times. I wanted to spend more time with Andrea and Alicia though, because they’ve experienced love at first sight, but we don’t get much beyond that. Andrea may have figured out what was going on, and how it connected to events from her past, but the trouble is far from over.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 29 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 29 October, 2015: Reviewed