Supersize Vs Superskinny by Dr Christian Jessen

Supersize Vs Superskinny

by Dr Christian Jessen

The world has gone diet mad. There is a new celebrity eating plan every week, sales of slimming products are soaring, and we all count the calories. Yet this obsession with our diet does not seem to be making us any thinner, or any healthier. One in four adults in the UK are now classified as clinically obese while at the same time 1.1 million of us suffer from an eating disorder. Something clearly needs to be done. In Supersize Vs Superskinny, Dr Christian Jessen uses science, medicine and most importantly common sense to help us get back on track. There are explanatory chapters outlining why we're so obsessed with our weight and body image, and exactly why it is so dangerous to be supersize or superskinny, followed by practical chapters to help us understand our own behavior and change our relationship with food for the better. Topping it all off, there are eating plans and recipes to help you find a healthy balance and reach your ideal weight, whatever your current size.
Supportive, practical, informed and beautifully illustrated, Supersize Vs Superskinny is the perfect book for anyone wishing to take control of their weight and learn more about how to have a happy, healthy attitude towards food.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Interesting look at how some people are fat and some very thin. More useful for the recipies and minor notes than anything else this one skims the surface and is in fact light in actual information. The formatting is also a little annoying, using a light font for both re-iteration of points and points.

Overall it's one to get from a library rather than buy and only really for some of the pointers (like portion sizes etc). It's no great addition to the genre.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 November, 2008: Finished reading
  • 24 November, 2008: Reviewed