Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

Courting Cassandry is another wonderful addition to the "Hearts in Autumn" medieval romance series. Joyce describes it this way,
- "Hearts in Autumn” romance series, medieval romances revolving around heroes and heroines “in the autumn of their years.” Because you’re never too old to fall in love!”

I have truly loved reading a romance where the main characters are between the ages of 40-50+! There is something about more mature characters that bring their life stories into play as they contemplate a new romance in their life. Cassandry and Gerolt's story is one of true heartache. It is one of lost-love, unhappy marriages, longing for the love that wasn't within in their reach twenty years before, but it is now that they are given a second chance if only...

Yes, it's that, "If only..." that is the main plot in the story. Neither one of the main characters comes right out and say how they feel at first so there is a lot of beating around the bush about how they're feeling and expressing themselves to each other. Cassandry and Gerolt decide to have their teens become betrothed to one another, but both Egelina, Cassandry's daughter and Rauffe, Gerolt's son, aren't liking their parents plans. Then you throw in old grudges with other characters, jealousies, blackmail and other nefarious things and you have more than a romance here. There is enough mystery, suspense and other dark things going on that you are not sure who will make it out alive, happy and/or sane.

The dialogue is so beautiful with the language from this time period. Joyce's writing brings the beauty and mystic of medieval England alive in her books. You are always assured of a clean read and know that you will have a good story with an intriguing plot line when you read a book by Joyce DiPastena. If you are looking for something unique and different from the "normal" romance out there, you need to pick up Courting Cassandry or any of Joyce's books. She knows this time period so well and she knows how to write a satisfying book for romance readers.

***This book is for teens and adults. There is some kissing, no sex, and little violence, except for a mild knife attack.***

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  • Started reading
  • 16 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 16 February, 2016: Reviewed