Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

5 of 5 stars


A moment in time can change everything.

***4.5 stars***

I absolutely loved P.I.T.A. and read it in one day. This series is bloody amazing and each instalment sucks you in from the very first page. Brooke Blaine writes characters that I really get. The heroines are quirky, strong and independent.

Each book shows a woman who works hard and doesn’t expect handouts. These women have an unbelievably strong bond of friendship with each other. In this instalment, we meet Pita aka Pain In The Ass or Paige Iris Traynor-Ashcroft…depending on which day of the week it is. But, she’s mostly - Pain In The Ass.

Paige is a wedding planner who doesn’t believe in the sanctity of marriage. Her parents are the most selfish, self-absorbed idiots who do not deserve a daughter like Paige. There is one example of a happy marriage that Paige can’t deny. Gail and Charles are wonderful people who have been her parents next door neighbours for years. In contrast to Paige’s parents, they are a match made in heaven. It was not unusual for Paige to spend more time at their house than her own. It may have had a wee bit to do with their son Dick.

See Paige and Dick were best friends for a lot of years. Throughout the story, we get little glimpses into their lives and see them in their good and bad times. As time moves on their friendship hit rocky ground and looking out for each other changes into avoiding or insulting each other. Both Paige and Dick compete against each other a lot. Their latest competition is to find out who can score the best hook-ups.

Paige’s parents host a party to celebrate their 30 year wedding anniversary in Vegas. At the party, they surprise Paige by telling her…and all the other guests, they’re moving to Paris. With no warning, Paige is unable to stop herself from reacting and feels justified to tell her parents just what she thinks of them. Before she can take things to far, she’s thrown over Dick’s shoulder kicking and screaming. Dick then takes it upon himself to take Paige’s night from nightmare to the best night of their lives.

One too many gold shots leave Paige with a fuzzy memory. If only she could remember...

I cannot rave about this book enough. I know my jumbled thoughts really don’t do it justice. I will say that the characters are originals, the storyline riveting, the sexy times steamy and it left me with a big goofy grin on my face.

There are a bit of back and forth shenanigans between these two that made me laugh. Their little ice cream and Nutella party seemed like fun and definitely left me blushing.

By the end, you can understand where both characters have come from and why they are the way they are. I believed this couple had a future together and Pita may have been convinced that marriage isn’t so bad after all.

I am DESPERATE for Quinn’s story.

To buy P.I.T.A. from Amazon -

I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

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  • Started reading
  • 27 January, 2017: Finished reading
  • 27 January, 2017: Reviewed