The Nerd Who Loved Me by Vicki Lewis Thompson

The Nerd Who Loved Me (Nerd, #2) (Wheeler Softcover)

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Forget Fabio. Say goodbye to Brad Pitt. Bring on Clark Kent, Bill Gates, and the Professor from Gilligan's Island. This follow-up to Vicki Lewis Thompson's blockbuster best seller Nerd In Shining Armor, confirms that nerds are what women crave today.

Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

This is actually my fourth time reading The Nerd Who Loved Me, and I still adore it! The story wasn't quite as good as I remembered from the first time, but I do see why it's one of my favorites from the Nerds series. It was my introduction to Chick Lit, so of course it will always hold a special place in my heart. In addition to that it's just a good time! The author has created an amazing cast of characters and put them in an exciting story. Lanie is on the run from her ex, and gets the help of Harry, the accountant at the casino she dances for. He in turn brings in help from his mother, her retired showgirl friends, and her possibly Mafia connected boyfriend. Together they vow to keep Lanie and her son safe, as well as push Lanie and Harry together.

Yes, the plot sounds super cheesy, but it definitely held my attention from page one. The Nerd Who Loved Me opens up with Harry having to climb out of a second story window with Lanie's son on his back while her drunk exboyfriend, Joey, beats down the door. From there the action never stops. The adrenaline is running high for Harry and Lanie, but that doesn't mean they can't find romance along the way. He's been crushing on her since she arrived at the casino, and he's snuck into a few of her late night fantasies. It's only natural that they act upon these feelings while alone at a resort together. Of course the sex is pretty hot. I'm never disappointed when it comes to this author's steamy scenes!

While the plot is fun, and the sex is good, where The Nerd Who Loved Me really shines is with the characters. Harry is super lovable! He may not be the most physically strong man, but he's determined to keep Lanie safe. His mother and her friends--who call themselves the TITS--are hilarious! I hope when I'm old, my best friends and I are even half as spunky as these ladies! Dudley, the bumbling resort salesman and self-proclaimed snake expert, also provides a lot of comedic scenes as he tries to convince our heroes to purchase a time share. I even liked Lanie's son, Dexter, and I hate kids! He's a genius, and more like a mini-adult anyway.

I just loved this book. I'd have to to have read it so many times. I know these kinds of stories aren't for everyone. Yes, it's totally mindless fun but sometimes that's exactly what I need. Chick Lit fans should definitely check out The Nerd Who Loved Me if they can!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 June, 2013: Finished reading
  • 17 June, 2013: Reviewed