Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

Before I start my review, I would like to thank NetGalley and Xpresso Book Tours for allowing me to review The Dream Protocol by Adara Quick.

**All opinions stated in this review are mine and mine alone. I received The Dream Protocol from NetGalley via Xpresso Book Tours for free for my honest and unbiased review**

Now onto my review:

This was an interesting book. A society of people live in an underground city called Skellig City. These people have never, ever dreamed their own dreams. Instead, they pay for dreams that are made by the Dream Makers (think computer programmers that forgot exactly what they are). These dreams are sold by the Ministry, the ruling government of Skellig City.

The book starts off when Deirdre Callaghan is late to the attendance of her friend, Maeve’s Descent. In this society, you are considered ruined (aka old) at 35 and sent through a tube to Tir na nOg, their version of afterlife. Her mother is due to have her Descent next week and Deirdre is sick at the thought of her mother leaving her.

While that is going on, Deirdre is also fighting to keep her friend/love interest, Flynn, from being discovered by the Ministry. Flynn has am aging disease that makes him seem much older than his 15 years. Because of this, he has been in hiding from the Ministry and their Drones.

Then one day, Flynn is found out, captured and Deirdre is forced to take action to help him. The series of events that happens afterwards, totally blows Deirdre’s mind.

I think that it is interesting that the author chose 35 as the age for being ruined. Not interesting bad but interesting good…if that makes sense. The comments about the ruined are very interesting too. “They are a drain on our society” was one quote that stood out in my mind.

The wannabe romance between Flynn and Deirdre was really cute. The touches and glances were enough to convey how they felt about each other. It made me go “Awww” and get a sappy grin on my face. My husband actually looked over and said to me “Cute teen romance”. Glad to know that I am that predictable…haha.

I also like that the author included the roots of Skellig City. It was very interesting to read and I do hope that she continues it in the 2nd book.

The ending was a bit of a cliffhanger but I figured that much when I saw the “#1” after the series name. The cliffhanger wasn’t that bad but it did make me go “Grrrr” when it just ended.

How many stars will I give The Dream Protocol? 4

Why? Very well written YA dystopian book. It was very fast pace and the plot was not complicated at all. Would be a perfect beach/pool book.

Will I reread it? Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends? Yes

Age range? Teen

Why? Very clean (no sex or bad language) with very minimal violence.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 August, 2016: Finished reading
  • 7 August, 2016: Reviewed