The Other Miss Bridgerton by Julia Quinn

The Other Miss Bridgerton (The Rokesbys, #3)

by Julia Quinn

There were Bridgertons before the eight alphabetically named siblings. In the third of the Bridgerton Prequel series, we go back to where it all began. . . from #1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn

She was in the wrong place...

Fiercely independent and adventurous, Poppy Bridgerton will only wed a suitor whose keen intellect and interests match her own. Sadly, none of the fools from her London season qualify. While visiting a friend on the Dorset coast, Poppy is pleasantly surprised to discover a smugglers’ hideaway tucked inside a cave. But her delight turns to dismay when two pirates kidnap her and take her aboard a ship, leaving her bound and gagged on the captain’s bed...

He found her at the wrong time...

Known to society as a rascal and reckless privateer, Captain Andrew James Rokesby actually transports essential goods and documents for the British government. Setting sail on a time-sensitive voyage to Portugal, he’s stunned to find a woman waiting for him in his cabin. Surely, his imagination is getting the better of him. But no, she is very real—and his duty to the Crown means he's stuck with her. 

Can two wrongs make the most perfect right

 When Andrew learns that she is a Bridgerton, he knows he will likely have to wed her to avert a scandal—though Poppy has no idea that he is the son of an earl and neighbor to her aristocratic cousins in Kent. On the high seas, their war of words soon gives way to an intoxicating passion. But when Andrew’s secret is revealed, will his declaration of love be enough to capture her heart...

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Coffee Dates with The Other Miss Bridgerton

  • First Date: From the start I adored Poppy Bridgerton. It is quickly clear that she is sharp, feisty and looking for a partner who is her equal intellectually. Poppy is exploring the coastal shore while visiting a family friend in Dorset. Of course she has left her maid to drink tea and stumbles into trouble while exploring a cave. All of which result in her being kidnapped and taken aboard a ship. It’s a privateers ship manned by Captain Andrews and his crew. They are preparing to set sail for Portugal. However, the captain isn’t who he seems. He is actually, Captain Andrew James Rokesby and on a mission for the British government. Imagine his surprise when he finds Poppy tied to his bed! I am all in!

  • Second Date: She thinks him a rogue and scoundrel, he can’t believe she is a Bridgerton! I loved the banter and barbs as they set sail. Both are in a bit of a pickle. Surprisingly, Poppy is handling things much better than Andrew. I give the girl credit. I may be a homebody, but I don’t think I could have conducted myself with such grace, if they locked me in a cabin no matter how politely I was treated. Despite the odds, the two converse and find common interests and a friendship begins to form...

  • Third Date: You can feel the chemistry between them swirling in the air, with glances and teasing barbs. The buildup was delicious. When they arrive in Portugal, Andrew takes her into town and the day is near perfect until it's not and suddenly the two are in trouble.  I will leave you to discover what happens. I devoured every word of my final coffee date as I gripped my Kindle and wondered how Quinn would pull it all together. It was splendid. Now go, go grab your copy!

This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 7 October, 2018: Finished reading
  • 7 October, 2018: Reviewed