Doctor Strange By Donny Cates Vol. 1: God of Magic by Donny Cates

Doctor Strange By Donny Cates Vol. 1: God of Magic

by Donny Cates

Collects Doctor Strange #381-385. Evil is everywhere, and the world needs the Sorcerer Supreme more than ever. But the Sorcerer Supreme is now…Loki?! Say hello to the Master of the Mischief Arts! The Norse lord of lies has the cloak, the spells - he's even got Zelma Stanton as his assistant. (And possibly more?) Is this the chance Loki needed to become a hero at last, or is the trickster god dangerously close to unlimited power? And what happened to Stephen Strange, the former Sorcerer Supreme? Down but not out, Stephen may just have one last play left in him - one that could shake the Marvel Universe to its core! But will it be enough to take back his title, with the life of someone he loves hanging in the balance?

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

2 of 5 stars

2.5 Stars

So I'm not big into Doctor Strange, and came here because the characters I follow occasionally cross over into other lines and I trudge behind them sighing. So here I am sighing. The overall story and the overall writing of the character I am familiar with (Loki), make sense. Loki does shit that often seems left field but ends up placing him exactly where he needs to be for one reason or another (spoilery-shit usually). So none of this surprises me really, I just found much of this one highly frustrating.

I think the things that were most frustrating are: 1) The art is highly distracting and not in a good way. Everyone looks either sick, old, or like the Crimson Chin...when, they are none of these things. 2) At times everyone is so caught up in their own BS that no one actually talks. The miscommunication trope is something I loathe to the core of my being. I hate it, even more, when one character asks to talk, and then other starts a fight before anything is said. It's a cheap way to draw out the suspense, and the longer it goes on, the cheaper it becomes. Does this happen in real life? Sure. Should it be used to draw out a story like this? No.
3)For some reason half of the dialogue is good and the other half has everyone involved talking like they have never held a conversation in their life. Any time an explanation is asked for it was a toss up between getting a well written obfuscate and a 7-year-old rambling.

But whatever. It comes down to this side story being a fairly interesting way to tie in Dr. Strange to other events, but ultimately the writing and the artist were just not for me.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 June, 2020: Finished reading
  • 19 June, 2020: Reviewed