Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars. What a great book. Derek Tyler is... crazy hot and I LOVED Ginger and Willa. I love it when Southern women are portrayed as more than just hillbilly damsels in distress. I have to say that Ginger and Willa remind me a lot of my friends- smart and take no shit from anyone.

"Do you feel that, baby? That's your man moving inside you?"

Did you hear that? (boom) yeah that was my mind exploding along with my libido. Holy Crap.... Derek is a MAJOR alpha. Like to the point where you want to shove him but he reels it back in and back around to being protective and loving. Some authors just cannot pull that balance off. Ms. Bailey totally does.

Ginger really has accomplished a lot for herself and Willa considering the way they were (or were no) raised by their mother). But I still experienced her struggle to understand that she was not her mother and that she indeed did deserve to love and be loved. I really hope we get more books from Ms. Bailey, I for one, will be waiting and crossing my fingers.

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  • 1 March, 2013: Finished reading
  • 1 March, 2013: Reviewed