Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Seducing Charlotte starts off with an illicit affair between the Marquess of Camryn and a married woman. She's...uh, well, she's giving him a blow job in the garden during a ball, and Charlotte sees it all! That's certainly a great way for our love interests to meet! Although their first proper meeting involves Charlotte asserting her position as a social reformist who is unhappy with the way Cam is running his businesses. At least how she assumes he's running them, and you know what they say about when you assume?

The romance of Seducing Charlotte starts of as the typical enemies to lovers type which I adore. At first glance, it seems like Cam is a womanizer, but that's not the case at all. He's just having a tryst in the garden. Charlotte is not exactly a model of propriety, since she watches the exchange with excited curiosity. Then they meet and butt heads. She is feisty and has strong opinions which shall not be swayed, and things get slightly heated between them whenever industrialization and the attacks on factories are brought up. Eventually, Cam convinces her to see his own factories and Charlotte realizes she's wrong, and things get heated in other ways!

As for the plot, it's directly connected to the romance. Seducing Charlotte is set during the time when industry is really taking off. Charlotte is appalled by the conditions of the factories she's visited and how so many people are out of work after being replaced by machines. However, she may be closer to the machine wreckers than she lets on, and is harboring a secret. It's why she refuses Cam's proposal despite their courting. I was worried that her secret was going to be something stupid, since I'm typically not a fan of the whole "I have a terrible secret that will make you not want me" plots. But it's not; it's actually something that could ruin Cam's ambitions. It wasn't shocking though.

I loved Seducing Charlotte in the beginning. The banter and bickering between Charlotte and Cam is entertaining and their chemistry is sizzling. I was definitely invested in their relationship, but not so much in the plot. Charlotte was a bit too stubborn at times, and I think she should have spilled her secret earlier. I still liked it though.

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  • 15 December, 2013: Finished reading
  • 15 December, 2013: Reviewed