Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

A woman takes charge, and everything gets sorted...SURPRISE!!

I’m a huge fan of this series and I was stoked when Scarlett Finn asked if I wanted an ARC of Risk It All. I started it hoping that I wouldn’t have to jog my memory by reading Take A Risk again. Lucky for me it all came back fairly quickly. Those Warner boys will do my head in. Pig-headed, narrow-minded…sexy, big, muscular, handsome men. What can you say? You take the good with the bad.

So this book is about two people who have always loved each other. Unfortunately for the two involved, this isn’t a story about two people who found it easy and plain sailing. There is heartbreak, devastation, and separations that could have been avoided. There are people nattering in their ears about how unsuitable they are. It doesn’t matter to them though, they just want to be in each others world, one they had planned for themselves since they were teenagers.

Brianna has had it tough. Her parents haven’t done their jobs at all. Her dad’s in jail and the mum took a hike to who knows where. Bri and her brother Gary have only had each other until Blaser came along. Can’t say I liked Gary and it soon turned to hate. This man chose to take the wrong path and never once wanted to leave that path. He made choices that put both Bri and Blaser in constant danger. Gary thinks he’s protecting Bri, but you can tell it’s more self-serving and his way of justifying his bad choices. Bri goes along with Gary because she feels like she can’t abandon him as he is all the family she has. Bad luck seems to follow Bri and a very, very bad thing happens to her. Bri is kidnapped and raped. She shuts down her emotions and puts a shield up to protect herself.

Blaser and Gary were best friends. He eventually talks Bri into a relationship when they are teenagers. Bad decisions made in the name of protecting Bri (déjà vu) leads Blaser to a stint in the clinker. He comes up with this wonderful idea that Bri would be better off without him…and breaks her heart. Time moves on, he cleans up his act and goes legit. They find their way back to each other, but unfortunately, old habits die hard and when Bri gets into trouble again, his first thoughts lead him to make bad decisions.

This story is about the two of them reconnecting, learning to make their choices together and teaching Bri not to automatically follow Gary and Blaser. Bri gets a backbone and tells these morons what she wants. Seriously, I wanted to knock a few heads together in this story. Men and their silly ideas…

Scarlett Finn knows how to write a steamy scene and this story doesn’t disappoint. I loved seeing this couple resolve their issues and strengthen the bond that was formed so long ago. One small niggle… Blaser’s friendship with Crystal seemed a little bit too close and Bri’s feeling in regards to that closeness wasn’t really dealt with. Does Crystal feel more than she’s letting on? Is it just friendship on both sides? If it is just friendship, why wasn’t it more? None of those things were dealt with enough for little old me. It didn’t help that Crystal and Bri were not friends in high school so Bri’s not comfortable with her.

I enjoyed this story and loved catching up with this crazy family filled with goodies and baddies. New things are revealed about the very secretive Ruger, and Colt gets put in his place quite frequently by Lyssa which put a smile on my face. Definitely a fan of the series and will be waiting with bated breath for Ruger’s story.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the Author in exchange for an honest review.

This review and more can be found at

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  • Started reading
  • 26 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 26 August, 2015: Reviewed