Reviewed by phyllish on

5 of 5 stars

A fun historical romance
My rating is 4.5 stars
"As much as I enjoy reading Regency stories, I certainly wouldn't want to live in that era! With women relegated to second place, daughters being forced to marry against their wishes, ladies discouraged from learning anything useful or doing too much reading. Yuck!

When Emeline 's step-mother reveals her dastardly plan, Emeline knows she needs to escape and doesn't waste a moment doing so. Hiding on Lord Mountgarret's estate, in the cottage of his housekeeper sounded like such a great plan. Until she was persuaded to take charge of the sweet orphan girls as their governess.

I loved the lessons she taught! I would have loved tromping through the woods, learning about medicinal herbs first-hand! And catching frogs. And so many other non-ladylike activities. And when Emeline was taken to task for allowing the girls to conduct themselves in such a manner, her reply and the way she stood up for the girls was delightful. Yay!

Sure, Baldwin, Lord Mountgarret, was stuffy. And had no clue what little girls like to do. Or how to raise them. Or how to tie his cravat (yeah, I cracked up at all those references!) Yet he was charming. His fear of becoming like his father overruled his desire to enjoy life and influenced his every action. Until Emmie.

The girls were nothing short of adorable, especially once they learned to warm up to the stoic viscount. Their hunger for love was heartwarming and their love of unconventional activities made them lots of fun. They managed to twist all the adults' hearts around their little fingers!

This was a fun story full of second, third, and maybe even fourth chances. And who doesn't appreciate that because we all need them, don't we?

As the second book in the Regency Brides: A Promise of Love series, there are a couple of characters from the first story here. Yet the author has integrated them in a way that hints at it without making it necessary to read the first to enjoy the second. She also didn't try to retell the first story in this one. Instead, she naturally integrated details into the narrative in a way that if I had not read A Clever Alliance, I wouldn't have realized the things shared were a part of it. I appreciate when authors don't try to sell their other books in the one I'm reading!

If you enjoy historical fiction, you will want to read The Reluctant Guardian, even if you are not typically a fan of Regency romances.

Read my full review at Among the Reads

I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  • 1 December, 2019: Reviewed