That Old Black Magic by Michelle Rowen

That Old Black Magic

by Michelle Rowen

Possessed by a troublemaking demon named Darrak, reluctant witch Eden Riley finds her life spinning wildly out of control when her dangerous black magic starts manifesting itself without conscious effort, forcing her to seek outside help that threatens her life and a possible future with Darrak.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

A great conclusion to a great trilogy, though I am quite sad that it only lasted three books, but that's okay because it fit just right. In this one Darrak and Eden have to come to terms with how they truly feel for each other, because if they don't it just might cost them their lives.

It's always sad to see a great story end, especially when you get so involved in the story and the characters themselves, it's just so bittersweet to turn that last page knowing that you've just completed the series. Oh well there are more series from Michelle Rowen that I am anticipating reading.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 7 January, 2013: Reviewed