Shattered Circle by Linda Robertson

Shattered Circle

by Linda Robertson


It's tough being a modern woman, but Persephone Alcmedi has it worse than most. Being the prophesied Lustrata has kicked her career as a witch into high gear, and juggling a waerewolf boyfriend who is about to become king of his kind and a seductive vampire who bears her magical Mark isn't easy either.

Still, Seph's beloved foster daughter, Beverley, is causing more trouble than these two men put together. The young girl's been playing with a magical artifact that's far more dangerous than she realizes. Now Seph must summon help from a mystical being so potent that even vampires fear him . . . and the cost of his aid may be more than she's willing to pay. Seph, Johnny, and Menessos face threats from all sides-and a few from within. Will the forces of destiny cement their tenuous supernatural union, or shatter it forever?

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

Shattered Circle is the 6th book in the Persephone Alcmedi series. And in this book things are getting more intense. More dangers lie in wait for our beloved trio. Menessos issues with the vamps and losing hive master, but he obtains something more important and dangerous in the process. Johnny is still dealing with issues of becoming the Dom Lup. Persephone well she just can't seem to catch a break.

This book is extremely intense because not only are things getting more intense. But in this book you actually get the trio's different situation told by them. So basically you aren't going to get bored with one characters story. And though they all had a somewhat different story in this one book, all three combined in a way, that will just get more intense as the series continues.

Again Ms. Robertson has wowed me with another enticing book. It helps remind me of why I love reading, and diving into different world. Why I love reviewing books. Because this series grabs and doesn't let go, it keeps you wanting more.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 January, 2016: Finished reading
  • 9 January, 2016: Reviewed